Design, Volunteer
In 2019, German artist and filmmaker Ralf Schmerberg discovered the landmarked area in Berlin Oberschöneweide. Together with his team, a concept was developed to create space for art, innovative music, spirituality, science and community. In 2020, MaHalla was founded as a GmbH & Co. KG.
I work as a set designer, web designer and lunch cooking for the staff.
2019年、ドイツ人アーティスト兼映画監督のラルフ・シュマーベルクは、ベルリン・オーバーシェーネヴァイデのランドマーク的なエリアを発見し、彼のチームとともにアート、革新的な音楽、精神性、科学、コミュニティのためのスペースをコンセプトに、2020年、MaHallaはGmbH & Co.を設立しました。
MAHALLA presents Totenpicknick
support : set design
One is only really dead when one is no longer remembered. Totenpicknick is a night that is solely dedicated to remember the departed.
We created a mandala made of clay and turned it into a giant candle as a stage set.